One post is not enough to encapsulate the epicness that is freestyle skier Maude Raymond (aka Maad Maude) but she definitely deserves our first She Shredder Shoutout

First and foremost, you should develop a gigantic Gnarly Girl crush on her because of this required reading where she addresses the issues women face in slopestyle competitions. Turns out we're not the only ones who are obsessed with her – she won female skier of the year in 2013

Aside from being a complete baller when it comes to charging it in the parks, what captured our hearts this time around was a behind the scenes fall compilation video.

We shouldn't be so surprised – Maude is known for her effortless style in the air, so of course even her falls are oddly mesmerizing to watch. But it's not often that professional athletes show their "failures," and it's incredibly refreshing to see the practice and dedication that goes into becoming a freestyler.

Maude's behind the scenes video shows that being a pro doesn't happen overnight, but you can still fall like a total badass, and be proud of your ability to get back up again. 

Watch Maad Japan - Behind The Scenes: